Lab News

Opportunities for Undergraduate Students in the Hedlund Lab

Opportunities for undergraduate researchers are frequently available in the Hedlund lab. Students will generally be paired with a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow and will maintain an independent research project that is closely related to existing research in the laboratory. Students are generally expected to commit, in principle, to a year of research in the laboratory at a minimum of 10 hours per week during the semester and more during the summer. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required. Students will be expected to present their research at meetings and will likely be authors on Hedlund lab publications. Many funding opportunities exist to support undergraduate research, including Nevada NSF EPSCoR and the UNLV REU in Environmental Microbiology.

See a list of current opportunities.

Opportunities for Undergraduate Students in China

The Tengchong PIRE grant, along with the UNLV REU in Environmental Microbiology, provides 10-week summer opportunities for undergraduates. All students participate in a one-week intensive culture and language preparatory course at UNLV prior to traveling to China. Students may participate in a PIRE meeting and field trip to Tengchong but will spend the majority of time working hand-in-hand with Chinese collaborators on PIRE research at one of our partner institutions. Students will participate in weekly meetings with their Chinese advisor and Skype meetings with a US PIRE advisor. At the conclusion of the program, students will present their research at a scientific colloquium such as the UNLV Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) annual meeting. In addition, all students will be strongly encouraged to present their research at a national or international conference. Students will receive a $5,000 stipend. Housing and travel will be covered by the grant. First generation college students and members of an underrepresented group are strongly encouraged to apply. This opportunity is normally only open to UNLV researchers in the Hedlund lab.

Applications are CLOSED for summer 2013. The online application portal is expected to open for summer 2014 by October 15, 2013 and close on January 15, 2014. Decisions will normally be made within two weeks.

For more information, please see the Tengchong PIRE website's section on undergraduate opportunities. Students can also contact Brian Hedlund at or Kurt Regner at