Four PIRE Students Win Awards at GME 2011
May 31, 2011
Four students participating in Tengchong PIRE won "Best Student" awards for their posters and presentations at the First International Conference on Geomicrobial Ecotoxicolgy in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The conference took place May 28 - 31 and hosted over 200 attendees from five countries.
Nicole Calica from UNLV won for her poster, entitled "Nitrite Oxidation in Great Boiling Spring in the U.S. Great Basin", which describes the cultivation of thermophilic Nitrospira from Great Basin hot springs.
Jonathan Gevorkian from UNLV won for his poster, entitled "Isolation, characterization, and genome sequence of the first representative of a novel class within the Chloroflexi that is abundant in some US Great Basin hot springs and may play important roles in N and C cycling".
Qiuyuan Huang from Miami University won for her presentation, entitled "Archaeal and bacterial diversity in hot springs on the Tibetan Plateau, China", which reported the microbial community structures in ten hot springs in central Tibet.
Joseph Peacock from UNLV won for his presentation, entitled "A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Community Composition in Great Boiling Spring, Nevada, US", which presented research on the microbial community distribution of a single hot spring in Nevada and factors influencing that distribution.